Mike Adenia

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creator of oddballwiki.com and its predecessor RaubfischWiki.

blogging about animal welfare/animal rights, society and politics on Homoneo.de (german)

born in 1989 - keeping a lot of different species of oddball and predatory fish since 1999.

published articles about oddballs in the following german magazines:

  • Aquarium Live: 01/05, 01/07, 02/07, 03/07, 04/07, 05/07, 06/07
  • Amazonas: Nr. 47
  • Freak Fish Club Magazin: year '13

...and countless online publications through the years on different sites like RaubfischWiki, Raubfische.net, Tigerbarsch.de, floessler.de etc. since 2001